Date OWS


XTERRA Open Water Swimming Challenge - ATHINES By The Sea | Voula A' Beach


Announcement of Open Water Swimming Race

 The Municipality of Vari-Voula-Vouliagmeni  and TRIMORE - XTERRA Greece - ISOMAN Hellas, within the framework of TRIMORE Multisports TOUR 2024, organize in collaboration with ATHINES by The Sea (A' Beach Voula) and announce  the 11th XTERRA O. W. S. Challenge 2024 event.




The event includes open water swimming races for adults (1k, 2.5k, 5k, 10k and Super Sprint 0.2k), swimming races for children of the 3rd last classes of elementary and high school as well as other sports, recreational and cultural activities aiming at the development of sports thought - ideal and sports  in generally. The event will take place in October 12 & 13, 2024 in Voula, at the organized beach ATHINES by The Sea (A' beach Voula), applying all safety measures.

 4 5 6 7 8 9

Sunday 13 October 2024

O.W. S. routes

XTERRA 0WS racee details

Race Programme

Race information

Start & Finish:                                  

A' beach Voula ATHINES by The Sea, at a designated point with a large inflatable arch and special arrangement of railings - flags and runway finish


swimming of a straight path with movement perpendicular to the shore (0,2k), one rotation (distances of 1k, 2,5k and 5k) and two laps ( distance 10k) ), according to the movement of the clock, on a special layout route, defined by buoys marking the route and the change of course based on the distance each time. In front of the beach, scratching vertically from it, pass through the "door" of two buoys opening 40 meters and then outside the buoys of each distance as shown in the illustration. The distance of 5k and 10k, passes outside the island of Ydrousa. All swimmers will make the distance they have chosen as defined in the above illustration and will move perpendicular to the beach for the exit and finish, passing externally all the buoys of their distance and then through the "door" for the exit.


Start time/method :                      

At the time mentioned in the above program, the start is given if the participants are over 150. All starts (if they need more than one wave) of the distances will take place in waves of 70 people at a time, based on the different color of the cap they will wear. During the preparation of the start they will be invited to pass over a special carpet in order to activate the their participation. Swimmers who will not stand at the start on time based on cap color, will not be able to take part in the race due to the inability of the timing system to give reliable results. The waves of starts (of different distances or if the entries exceed 150) will be 1-2 minutes apart.

Water supply / Refill:                                   

All athletes will have the opportunity to receive and drink cool water, only before the start and after the end of their race , with the exception of the distances of 5k and 10k, which will be given the opportunity to receive and drink water upon their arrival on the island of Ydrousa as well as at the completion of the first round and before the start of the second,  For the distance of 10k. All bottles and glasses will be placed by the volunteers in the special bins to start their recycling.  Athletes are obliged, if they use energy gel or another preparation, to take it before starting and throw the package in the special bin or to keep and return the package for its disposal in the special bins. For the 10k, there will be pieces of energy bar or banana, while the athletes who wish can leave their own bottle or preparation there as long as it bears their name. Any detection of an athlete who did not comply with this rule will result in a penalty of cancellation. Any specially prepared bottles by athletes of the distance of 10k , can be placed with the name of the athlete visible at the start of the second round in the special position.

Cut Off:                                                

With the exception of the 10k there is no time limit for athletes and all swim safety infrastructure will be on alert until the last athlete has finished. For the 10k distance, if an athlete has not completed the first lap by 11:45, they will discontinue their attempt at the first lap and join those who have completed the 5k distance, with their time



The wetsuit (swimming suit) is allowed, separating the athletes in terms of rankings - awards to those who wear and those who do not wear. The wetsuit will be mandatory if the sea temperature is below 18 °C, while it will be prohibited if the temperature is above 24 °C.

Other equipment:                          

Swimming aids/equipment in addition to: swimsuit, cap (mandatory use of the race's cap at least externally with a penalty of 1 minute in case of non-use or use other than that of the event), individual float optional (mandatory of the event if it is provided, otherwise at the athlete's discretion), glasses or mask (without snorkel), watch. Prohibited [e.g. indicatively and not restrictively, prohibited: sandals (Fins), barrels (pool buoy), hands (paddles), swimming guidance (destinator)]. Also prohibited for safety reasons sound equipment. Petroleum jelly is to be given to those athletes who request it before starting.

Unique athlete number:              

Each athlete has his unique number and this is received by the secretariat inside his Athletes kit. The timing chip as well as the Tattoo or writing with a special hypoallergenic marker and the special sticker for his bag, bear this unique number. Each swimmer is obliged to apply the  Tattoo  or the writing with a marker in a conspicuous place on his body or if he is wearing a special sticker on his body or if he is wearing a special sticker for his bag. Each swimmer is obliged to apply the Tattoo or the writing with a marker in a visible place on his body or if he is wearing a special sticker wetsuit on his cap.

Storage of equipment:                  

The organization has provided and will have the ability of each athlete to deliver a bag with his belongings in a special position guarded by volunteers, for safekeeping. A prerequisite for receipt in this position for the storage of the athlete's equipment is the placement in a conspicuous place of this bag, the special sticker with the unique athlete's number,  that the  athletes  kit of the athlete had inside  when it was received. By showing the tattoo or the writing with a marker that he has applied in a visible position to his body, cap or wetsuit, he will be able to receive himself and only his bag upon completion of his race.

Participation: Participation in the race is open to athletes from the age of 14!


Award categories:                           

For the distances of 10k, 5k and 2.5k, in addition to the general category of women and men, age categories are awarded. The first category starts for athletes up to 19 years old and continues every decade, with the last category being that of 60+ (i.e.: up to 19 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+).

In these distances and in the category of Wetsuits will be awarded for each distance, the first 3 men and the first 3 women of the General Classification regardless of age as well as the first and first 3 of the two age categories up to 29 years and 30+ years.

For the distance of 1k will be awarded the first 3 men and the first 3 women of the General Classification as well as the first 3 men and 3 women of the age categories up to 29 years and 30+ years. The same will apply to athletes of this distance with wetsuit, who will be awarded separately.

In the case of the 200m (0.2k), the awards will be for the first 3 men and the first 3 women, regardless of age and whether or not they wear a wetsuit. For the 10 men and 10 women of the final (in a mixed series the final will take place), two semi-finals will be preceded: men and women with the 20 fastest of each gender. 

Also, the youngest and oldest athlete of the event will be awarded.


Compliance with regulations:    

A representative of KOE is going to attend and confirm the observance of the regulations


(O.W.S.) 200m (0,2k) Details


The start takes place with the 20 athletes of each row in a straight lined up parallel to the coast, defined by the two orange buoys and the imaginary straight line between them or the couloir that connects them. The athletes of each series will stand next to each other in a straight line or with their shoulder resting on the couloir.


After the start they will swim vertically to the beach until they exit the sea and pass under the arch.


The route is of vertical movement to the coast, with a total distance of 200 meters (start - finish).

Start time/method :                      

Based on the above program, the first start is given. The rows of 20 people of each qualifying start, result from random (draw) or alphabetical order (decision of the organizer). Each subsequent series (20 people) after the start of the previous series and until the finish of the last athlete of the previous series, enter the starting area to take a seat. Afetis will inform about the start-up process,  he will then ask everyone to enter an imaginary line between the two buoys or to rest the shoulder on the couloir and when everyone is in the correct position he will mention the word "Ready" and without further warning, at his discretion (so that everyone is straight or touches the couloir).. it will give a direct start.


Each athlete must before taking a seat in the starting area to go through the timer boat to which he will give a name and receive a timing chip with his number


Cut Off:                                                

There is no time limit for athletes and all safety infrastructure during swimming will be on standby until the last athlete finishes.


The wetsuit is allowed, without separating the athletes. Each athlete decides for himself whether he wishes to wear or not without affecting the awards. The wetsuit will be mandatory if the sea temperature is below 18°C, while it will be forbidden if the temperature is above 24°C.

Other equipment:                          

Swimming aids/equipment in addition to: swimsuit, cap (obligatory of the event at least externally), individual float optional (mandatory of the event if it is provided, otherwise at the athlete's discretion), glasses or mask (without snorkel), watch. Prohibited [e.g. indicatively and not restrictively, prohibited: sandals (Fins), barrels (pool buoy),  hands (paddles), swimming guidance (destinator)]. Also prohibited for safety reasons sound equipment.                  

Unique athlete number:              

Each athlete has his unique number and this is received along with the  timing chip from the timing boat in the position next to the start.

Storage of equipment:                  

The organization has provided and will have the ability of each athlete to deliver a bag with his belongings in a special position guarded by volunteers, for safekeeping. A prerequisite for receipt in this position for the storage of the athlete's equipment is the placement in a conspicuous place of this bag, the special sticker with the unique athlete's number,  that the  athletes  kit of the athlete had inside  when it was received. By showing the tattoo or the writing with a marker that he has applied in a visible position to his body, cap or wetsuit, he will be able to receive himself and only his bag upon completion of his race.


Participation in the race is open to athletes from the age of 14!

Award categories:                           

  • General category of Men - Women
  • Age categories do not exist
  • Youngest and oldest athlete


All participants will receive a finishing medal if they finished and delivered the timing chip on their way through the finish arch.

Details of routes can be found in the maps listed above and  on  the website of the event, while more details of routes, any extraordinary changes, terms and regulations will be given to the Race Brief to be carried out before each start, the attendance of which is mandatory.

All those who will participate in the races will receive  a rich Athletes kit from the secretariat. The opening hours of the secretariat will be announced on  the site of the event (program) 10 days before the event. A prerequisite for the acquisition of the Athletes kit is the arrival of the participant himself in the secretariat to receive it. Attention, athletes kit kits  are not delivered  third parties and participants must prove their identity.

For last minute registrations, interested parties should be aware that the Athletes kit they will receive may not include full content, given the inability of the organizer to predict last minute entries for the availability of material. There is no commitment by the organizer to deliver material after the race, including those who were validly registered to participate but ultimately did not stand in line with the  start for any reason.

All participants by submitting their online registration form, responsibly declare that they are fighting with their responsibility.  The registration is considered valid and the athlete can finally take part in the race, only if a certificate (certificate) of a doctor (cardiologist - pathologist) or an athlete's card has been submitted to a club of the Federation. If he is a club athlete, he can submit a health card as well, while for ordinary athletes, the doctor's certificate is sufficient. Attention, the already payment of money for the registration of an athlete, without the presumption of health, is not a valid registration and the athlete has not secured his participation.

The event covers the travel expenses for 1 person of the K.O.E. who will attend for the supervision of the above and the coverage of the position of the Absolutist of the race. At the same time, it undertakes the obligation to pay a fee of € 3,- / participant (in the adult races) to the K.O.E. within 30 days from the completion of the race.

For assistance at sea, a plan has been drawn up and implemented as follows:

Help at sea

The marine assistance team  consists of shipwrecked graduatesor licensed practitioners, whose degrees/licenses are in the possession of the Race Director.

The field team of each race is commanded (receives - executes orders and reports) by a leading person who is also in the field and supervises. The leader is on board a boat and constantly moves in the field overseeing and confirming the smoothness of the race and coordinating his team.

The group consists of human units corresponding to one in every 25-35 swimmers. It is possible to extend the number of swimmers per human unit of assistance at sea if the race is conducted in a triangular or polygonal arrangement and the control distance of each unit does not exceed 250 meters on either side of its base position. The sea assistance team consists of 15 - 30  Lifeguards (depending on the final number of entries) to ensure the supervision of up to 30-35 swimmers from each Lifeguard.

The team shall have an emergency management plan drawn up, including oxygen supply  and defibrillator application, while the event's ambulance vehicle is located at a point with sufficient access by sea. The team must have a floating stretcher or SUP or kayak or a special Jet Ski capable of carrying an incident.

The team is going to have checked the management plan in place of the race and have confirmed its completeness, completeness and applicability in its conditions (positions, weather conditions, other parameters, etc.).

At any time there is the possibility of oral communication of the chief with the human units and remote communication (wireless or mobile phone) with the Race Director and the Ambulance vehicle.

Outside the imaginary movement corridor of the athletes, there are and move inflatable boats carrying in addition to their operator, two or three of the assistance team at sea per boat. These boats are at least 3-5 and move parallel to the imaginary swimming corridor of the athletes, at a sufficient distance from them, so as not to disturb their course and not to be able to approach athletes in them if they do not attend  need. These boats will not approach an athlete at a distance of less than 10 meters (and outside the imaginary movement corridor of the athletes) under any circumstances, while in case of emergency, the on-board human assistance unit will enter the water to approach swimming the one who will ask for help or the need for intervention will be perceived, always in consultation with the internal emergency units. In one of the boats is on board the doctor of the race.

Inside the athletes' imaginary movement corridor, there are the human units of immediate intervention. These human units are on board an individual SUP, or Canoe, or Kayak, or Jet Ski special for the transport of an incident. The internal human units move in parallel on the imaginary movement corridor of the athletes, inside the imaginary line that connects the buoys that define the racing terrain.  Priority for intervention in any incident, always has the internal human unit that is closer to the swimmers and it is possible to approach safely.


An incident management team is also on land, while at the same time there is an ambulance of the event available at the beach, ready to leave by transferring an emergency to the on-call hospital, which is aware of the race and the possible need to manage an incident.

Organization / Co - Organization

 XTERRA Organization VVV Co organizationATHINES Co organization TRImore Organization


Strategic Partners
ETEM NEW LOGO 2024 Elval Stratigikoi Εικόνα2


Golden Sponsor

   Zagori Xrysoi


Athletic Sponsors        

             Coros Xrysoi      



XTERRA Europe Official Sponsors 

                                                                                                              Zoggs xrysoi Elleure Xrysoi.jpg Vittoria Xrysoi



Bronze Sponsors

     MINETTA Bronze Microsport BronzeBlackmile Maurten Bronzeserbetia bronzeBellaFruta Bronze WD 40 BronzeOrser0 Bronze Poufmakers BronzeD.Koronakis Bronze  Tsokas Bronze



Auspices - Approvals 

EOT AuspiciesKOE Supporters


Media Sponsors 

        cosmote tv irun runnfunspor fm ACTION24                                                            CYCLE365 bestnewscitykidsguidenoupou DayNight Asimenios                                                     Nomad Media iso100 mEDIA RunNBeat Media FlashNews MediaAthlitiko MediaPatris Media TA NEA Media Go outdoor MediaOutdoor MediaRunNTrail Media                                                      


Media & Strategic Communication Partners

In News Asimenioi Swimbikerun Asimenioi Livecoverage  



Marathon SupportersImation SupportersΜπουκουβαλα SupOne Zipper SuppngEpilektoi Suppng CheckABike SupIEK Anabysou SuppngVectorHPXProtypo SuppngSparti SuppngAthenian Riviera Sup AthletesWer Sup Oceanman     Zaxos